Lancelot Andrews Offertory Prayer


O Lord, if all the creatures in the world should offer themselves together with us to praise you, yet it is certain that we could not give you sufficient thanks for the least of your mercies; and if together the whole world cannot sufficiently praise you for the least, how much less can we alone perform so great a duty, for such inestimable blessings as we have received from you?

For you visit us, comfort us, and honor us with acceptance and admittance to your presence. We marvel that you will not disdain to come and abide with us who are poor and wretched souls. What greater benefit or grace, what greater example of your love is there that can be showed to us?

What therefore, O my Lord, shall we do? What thanks shall we render to you? With what fervency shall we love you? For if you, so mighty a Lord, has determined to love us, poor wretched creatures, how should it be but that we should return love again to you?

And how shall we express our love better than in forbearing those things that you do abhor, and following those things that you command? Give, O Lord, to this end your grace to us, whereby we may return a reciprocal love to you and love those things which are acceptable to you and avoid those things which to you are displeasing.

Give us hearts which may love you with so true, faithful, and constant affection as that nothing under the sun may separate us from the love of you. Let us not follow the love of the world, or delight in the vanities of it any longer; but give us power to kill and quench all other love and desires and to love you only, desire you only, and only think of you and your commandments, that all our affections and thoughts may be fixed on you; that in all temptations and adversities, we may recourse to you only and receive all comfort from you alone, who lives and reigns, one God, world without end. Amen.

Related:  Take My Soul Into Your Hand – Martin Luther