Dr. Joe Crider - Four Key Characteristics of Scripture-Saturated Corporate Worship.
Singing Shepherds: The Pastoral Impact of Congregational Song at Metropolitan Tabernacle (1668-1892)
Dr. Greg Wills - Baptists and Fundamental Principles in Worship
Corporate Worship's Goal: Communion with God
Dr. Joe Crider: Weekly Production or Weekly Worship?
Reforming our Worship by Scripture
Dr. Mark Snoeberger - On the Decline of "Unmodified" Psalmody in the English Tradition
Dr. Scott Aniol – Gospel Renewal in Corporate Worship
5 Reasons the Word of God Needs to Saturate the Sunday Morning Corporate Gathering – Dr. Joe Crider
Dr. Michael Wilder - Christian Leadership as Christ-Centered Followship
Dr. Nathan Burggraff - "How Has Our Song Changed?"
Decent and Orderly Worship – Dr. Scott Aniol
How to Teach a New Song to a Congregation
Why You Should Use a Hymnal to Plan Your Worship Service
Dr. Scott Aniol – "From Text to Expression"
Dr. Joe Crider: Weekly Production or Weekly Worship?
Reforming our Worship by Scripture
Jordan Covarelli - "The Aesthetics of the Lukan Canticles"
"Ministry Beyond Music: The Planning and Leading of Funerals" - Matt Perkinson
Dr. Mark Snoeberger - On the Decline of "Unmodified" Psalmody in the English Tradition
Dr. Scott Aniol – Gospel Renewal in Corporate Worship
5 Reasons the Word of God Needs to Saturate the Sunday Morning Corporate Gathering – Dr. Joe Crider
Dr. Michael Wilder - Christian Leadership as Christ-Centered Followship
Dr. Nathan Burggraff - "How Has Our Song Changed?"
How to Teach a New Song to a Congregation
Why You Should Use a Hymnal to Plan Your Worship Service
Dr. Scott Aniol – "From Text to Expression"
Dr. David de Bruyn – "Objective and Subjective Beauty"
Donald Owens – "Making Metrical Psalms"
Dr. David Manner – Creating Worship Tourists
Tom Tillman - The Future of Worship and Music Ministry
"Ministry Beyond Music: The Planning and Leading of Funerals" - Matt Perkinson
5 Reasons the Word of God Needs to Saturate the Sunday Morning Corporate Gathering – Dr. Joe Crider
Dr. Michael Wilder - Christian Leadership as Christ-Centered Followship
How COVID Can Grow Your Worship Ministry (Ministry Now with Joseph Crider)
Church Music and Worship Jobs
How can I build a singing congregation? | Dr. Joseph Crider
Dr. Ben Caston - Lessons for Life and Ministry
How can I best minister to the needs of my worship ministry team? | Dr. Joseph Crider
Dr. Scott Aniol - "Gospel-Shaped Worship"
What is the most important factor in planning a worship service? | Dr. Joseph Crider
What is the most important principle of worship leadership? | Dr. Joseph Crider
How to Cultivate a Relationship with the Senior Pastor and Other Staff Members | Joe Crider
How important is family to ministry? | Joe Crider
How important is long tenure at a church? | Joe Crider
Crown Him With Many Crowns - Cowden Hall Band
King of Kings - Scarborough College Band
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing - Southwestern Seminary
"Be Thou My Vision" – Southwestern Seminary Virtual Choir
Week 1 - Individual - All Creatures of Our God and King
Week 1 - Individual - Before the Throne of God Above
Week 1 - Individual - O Lord My Rock and Redeemer
Week 1 - Individual - There is a Fountain
"Come, Christians, Join to Sing" Piano Accompaniment
"Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise" (Piano Accompaniment)
"Take My Life" (4 stanzas) Piano Accompaniment
"Holy, Holy, Holy" Piano Accompaniment
"Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" Piano Accompaniment (5 stanzas)
"Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow" (OLD HUNDREDTH) Piano Accompaniment
"I Lay My Sins on Jesus" (AURELIA) Piano Accompaniment
"All Creatures of Our God and King" Piano Accompaniment
"O God, Our Help in Ages Past" Piano Accompaniment
"There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood" Piano Accompaniment
"Come, Thou Fount" Piano Accompaniment
"Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" Piano Accompaniment in 6/8 (4 stanzas)
"Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" Piano Accompaniment (4 stanzas)
"Rejoice, the Lord Is King" Piano Accompaniment
"Great Is Thy Faithfulness" Piano Accompaniment