A Psalm of Thanksgiving


A Psalm of Thanksgiving
(From Psalm 136)
For Three Readers and the Men and Women of the Congregation

READER 1: Give thanks to the Lord…
READER 2: For He is good.
READER 3: Let the people say…
WOMEN: His steadfast love endures forever!
MEN: Thanks be to God!
READER 1: Give thanks to the God of gods…
READER 2: For He alone does great wonders.
READER 1: Give thanks to the Lord of lords…
READER 2: For He has done marvelous things.
READER 3: Let the people say…
WOMEN: His steadfast love endures forever!
MEN: Thanks be to God!
READER 1: Give thanks to the God of gods…
READER 2: For He has made the great lights—
the sun to govern the day,
the moon and stars to govern the night.
READER 3: Let the people say…
WOMEN: His steadfast love endures forever!
MEN: Thanks be to God!
READER 1: Give thanks to the Lord of lords…
READER 2: For He struck down the firstborn of Egypt
and brought Israel out from among them
with a mighty hand and outstretched arm.
READER 1: Give thanks to the God of gods…
READER 2: For He divided the Red Sea asunder
and brought Israel through the midst of it,
but swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea.
READER 3: Let the people say…
WOMEN: His steadfast love endures forever!
MEN: Thanks be to God!
READER 1: Give thanks to the Lord…
READER 2: For He led His people through the desert;
He struck down great kings
and killed mighty kings.
He gave their land as an inheritance
to His servant Israel.
READER 3: Let the people say…
WOMEN: His steadfast love endures forever!
MEN: Thanks be to God!
READER 1: Give thanks to the God of Heaven…
READER 2: For He has remembered us in our low estate
and freed us from our enemies.
He gives food to every creature.
READER 3: Let the people say…
WOMEN: His steadfast love endures forever!
MEN: Thanks be to God!

Related:  Psalm 98:1–6 for Two Readers