Questions to Ask a Church


General Questions about the Worship Ministry and the Church

  • If you (the pastor or committee) could describe an ideal worship ministry for this church, what would it look like?
  • If you (the pastor or committee) could describe an ideal worship leader for this church, what would he/she look like?
  • If you (the pastor or committee) could describe an ideal worship service for this church, what would it look like?  This really is a question about worship philosophy.
  • Generally, what is the worship language of this church?  Or, what kind of music does the congregation seem to respond to most readily?
  • What are the greatest needs of this church right now.
    • How do you see the future worship leader taking part in filling or meeting those needs?
  • What is your vision for the church?
    • How do you see the future worship leader helping to embrace and fulfill that vision?
  • How do you see the worship ministry interfacing with the other areas of the church?
  • What percentage of worship service attendees are also actively involved in community groups?
  • What is the demographic age breakdown of the church?
  • What age range seems to be tracking the most growth?
  • In relationship to the demographic, is there a prominent age range that tithes the most to the churchy?
  • How involved is this church with the Association and DOM? (For SBC churches only)
  • What percentage of the budget is given to the SBC Cooperative Program?
  • Describe outreach and evangelism initiatives over the last year.
  • How many baptisms were there last year?
  • Would it be possible for me to look at a church budget?
Related:  Choir Handbook

Specific Questions for the Pastor/Staff  Regarding Their Styles of Leadership and Roles

  • What are your greatest leadership strengths? What are your (the pastor’s) weaknesses?
  • How much do you (the pastor) like to be involved in the worship planning?
  • What is your most effective way of communicating that you are disappointed in something a staff member does?  (I would only ask this if you are feeling really comfortable)
  • What is your personality type?
  • Do you envision the relationship between your worship leader and you to be mostly church-related or do you see it being more of a friendship?
  • How would you characterize your relationships with other staff members?
  • If you had to pick your favorite kind of music, what would it be?
  • In what role do you see yourself in relationship to the staff members? Do you see your role as a mentor, colleague, boss, partner in ministry? How would you describe your role?
  • Would it be comfortable for you if I came to you with questions about the ministry or people that I may be struggling with in the ministry?
  • Who is the person that I report to directly?  Is it the senior pastor? Is it the administrative pastor? The chairman of the personnel committee?
  • Is the worship leader responsible for supervising all media in the church, including lights and sound for Sunday morning worship?

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