
Past Events:

Worship Ministry in a Pandemic

SBC worship consultants joined Joe Crider and faculty to discuss issues related to reopening churches.

April 2020 Webinars

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary School of Church Music and Worship hosted scholarly presentations streamed online in the month of April, 2020. You can view videos of these presentations on the right.

Nathan Burggraff – “I Wanna Talk About Me:” Analyzing the Balance of Focus Between God and Man in Congregational Songs of the American Evangelical Church

Laramie Minga – “New Forms of Old Measures: Nineteenth-Century New Measures Revivalists’ Understanding of their Worship Methodologies”

Scott Aniol – “Changed from Glory into Glory: The Liturgical Formation of the Christian Faith”

Jessica McMillan – “The Influence of Ancient Near Eastern Lament on Selected Passages of Biblical Lament”

Joseph Crider – “Uzzah’s Dead: Modern Worship on the Cart of Experience”

Ken Myers

  • Keynote 1: “Musical Discipleship in the face of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism”
  • Keynote 2: “Encountering the Really Real in Musical Beauty”

Holly Farrow – “Theology Inspires Doxology: The Hymnody of Anne Dutton and Anne Steel”